At Space Entrepreneurship Institute, we recognize the immeasurable value of collaboration. Rooted in a vision that sees the space sector as an intricate tapestry of various stakeholders, we are deeply committed to nurturing a robust network that encompasses the diverse landscape of this thriving industry.

Our Extensive Network

Our reach extends across a myriad of domains, connecting us to the heart of the space ecosystem:

  1. Business Sector: Our partnerships in the business realm are both broad and deep. We’ve forged strong alliances with leading industry players, collaborating closely with esteemed entities such as Syderal, PIAP SPACE, Creotech, and the Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu). Through these strategic liaisons, we continually enhance our capacity to deliver innovative solutions and stay at the forefront of technological advancements.
  2. Administrative Bodies: In the sphere of administration, our collaborations are synonymous with excellence. We work hand-in-hand with top-tier agencies such as the Polish Space Agency, ESA BIC Poland, the Ministry of Development and Technology, and the European Space Agency (ESA). These alliances allow us to influence policy decisions, access valuable resources, and stay abreast of the latest regulatory frameworks, ensuring our projects are always in alignment with national and international standards.
  3. NGOs: Our commitment goes beyond the realms of business and administration. Recognizing the invaluable contribution of non-governmental organizations, we actively engage with NGOs, seeking synergies that enhance our collective impact on society and the broader space community.

Why Partner with Us?

Choosing to collaborate with Space Entrepreneurship Institute means becoming part of an elite circle of space enthusiasts, innovators, and pioneers. Our partnerships are built on mutual respect, shared goals, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. By joining forces with us, you gain access to a network that’s as expansive as it is exclusive, offering countless opportunities for growth, learning, and innovation.

Join Our Mission

If our vision resonates with yours, and you’re keen on exploring partnership opportunities, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to our team today and let’s embark on a journey to the stars, together.